Posted By: wraggster

SimonKagstrom has updated his port of Frodo the Commodore 64 Emulator to the Nintendo Wii, heres whats new:
The most important changes are these (v4)
* Merge with Frodo CVS trunk and build FrodoSC instead of "plain" Frodo. This should improve emulation of some games, although not all.
* Save preferences together with the state when saving states. Useful e.g., to have game-specific key bindings
* Build with Yohanes version of libSDL. Perhaps that adds USB keyboard support, but I have no way of testing. Please fix the code if it doesn't work :-)
* Some key binding bugs fixed
* Some more menu options to control various things
V5 whats new
Anyway, you were right. The home button on the wiimote or the menu does bad things in this one. So, embarassingly enough, I've made a shiny new release, version 5!
This one contains the following feature:
* HOME button on the wiimote works again
And has removed the following feature:
- Untested USB keyboard support
Since that apparently broke HOME and/or the menu. For some wicked reason, it worked fine on the classic controller.
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