Posted By: TeenDev
New release from TeenDev:
Here's the latest version of FCOS S1E. Its now version 2.0 with new features, and all previous bugs and quirks fixed. Here's whats new and fixed:
* Now uses iFile as the file browser (Thanks madcat1990!)
* Fixed GBA booting bug
* Changed the interface to look more like the R4 menu
* Change moonshell booting to boot /fshl/mediaplay.bin (Read readme.txt for more info)
* Cleaned up the code and made it more stable.
* Updated to r21 (R4 native skins will be avalible with having to convert them to .gif soon!)
* I guess I'm done for the Slot-1 version! Onto you GBAMP users!
EDIT: THe official link was never down, it just didn't have a MIME type assigned to it.