Fireworlds, the new DS puzzle/platform adventure game made by Dirbaio, had been updated to Beta 2. Join in on the on-going discussion for the full story about this 2011 Homebrew Bounty entry.
QUOTE(Change Log 05/29/11)
•Fixed game launching but crashing later when libfat can't init (for example in no$gba)
•Fixed getting stuck in the insides of corners in most cases
•Added button navigation to menus
•Fixed having another fireball selected when another one you aren't controlling dies or exits.
•Made physics a bit calmer, especially the pink bouncy things.
•Added help on the top screen
•Fixed many tiny graphical bugs
•Completely recoded the collision system. It's waay more flexible now.
•Added Ice Blocks (Used in only one level for now)
•Added hints and help on the top screen!
•More levels. The first ones are supposed to serve as a tutorial.