FireNes is a java-based NES Emulator and Addon for the Webbrowser Mozilla Firefox.
New version! The 1.3
Submitted by FaCuZ on Wed, 11/11/2009 - 22:54.
Recien subi to the server, so we have to update them automatically. In reality, the list had few months ago, but I was always postponing its publication for several reasons, some for lack of time a little for vagrancy. Take this opportunity to thank-Zone for their financial support, which is going to help me pay for another 2 years of hosting the games.
You could say that the most important thing is to add 3 things: add a search box of games that many asked me, upgrade to the latest version of the emulator and put back the option of notifying when a game does not work. I hope you enjoy it, I leave you with a full list of changes:
* Add a search bar as you type
* Create a database of games to better handle the list
* Now open the page with the updates each time it is updated
* Update the emulator to version 2.11
* Re-implemented and simplify the notifications of games that do not work
* Add an option to notices to "recommend to top"
* Fixed several errors in code
* Improve compatibility with Firefox 3.5 .* and linux distributions
Remember to update your version of Java to avoid problems.