Well having just spent an hour or so reading comments between the sites who host the piracy loader of waninkokos, i find it amusing the amount of bitching between sites, apparently someone at GBAtemp uploaded the file and then it was newspost and sent as a newspost to every tech site for maximum effect, then the next wave of sites posted the release including some sites that boast to be anti piracy and now funny of all the same sites and their users/staff are calling GBA Temp for leaking it.
This to me is hilarious, i really dont care about those sites because its damn obvious that they arent part of any true homebrew scene but you cant be calling sites for leaking a release and then host it yourself. The simple matter is that you are as bad as them. Infact take for example stealing, the police will actually hand out more severe punishment for those handling stolen goods, i know thats not really a good example but you should get what i mean. Im still interested to hear from the HackMii Team, going to be an interesting time for the Wii scene.