Posted By: wraggster
News/release from NickMcConnell

A few months ago I put out a rough version of my Angband variant, FAangband, ported to the DS. This has been taken and vastly improved by Michael Smith.
We'd appreciate any feedback. Once this is in good shape, it's likely that there will be a port of vanilla Angband, and other variants.
char *release_notes="FAAngband NDS version 2.50 (2008-12-10 22:02)
L quick = toggle keyboard
L hold = direction pad overlay
L + key = shifted key
L + dirpad = run
R = toggle zoom
Default key bindings (can be changed):
X = Esc
A = Return / accept
B = attack nearest / rest
Y = 'y' (yes)
Automatic options: auto_more, Term-1=messages
Suggested options: center_player
L long hold to redefine all key bindings
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