April 25th, 2006, 17:07 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Tomy, who brought us the smashing Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen series for GameCube, plus the Naruto RPG and Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu series for the GBA and NDS, have come out with something special this week. Their Naruto: Saikyo Ninja Daikesshu titles have typically been side scrolling action affairs, but this 4th installment breaks the mould and comes out a full on four player melee fighting fest instead! In stock many days before the Japanese release, all pre-orders have been cleared and new purchases are welcome anytime. Don't forget either, because the DS is region free, Naruto will play no matter where you picked up your handheld.

Beyond beating each other down Jump Superstars style, another option is single and multiplayer Mission Mode. Ranking your performance, there's a wide variety of challenges such as three on one fights, thrashing a boss, protecting people or areas like the supports of a bridge, taking out a number of animals, capturing flags and many more; not to forget those tough ones that really weed out the boys from the men like grabbing 10 bowls of Ramen!
All this action plays out up on the top screen, taking place in huge 2D environments across roof tops, jungles, cliffs, trains, snowy mountain tops and more. Meanwhile the touch screen is used to display each of the four character's stats, a useful radar and selection of special moves on four panels. After tapping one you use the stylus to draw Jutsu seals which let rip the giant super moves and massive damage. Certain moves like Sasuke’s Fire Jutsu on the other hand, require different approaches like blowing into the microphone. The accompanying pre-rendered cut scenes then play out down there while the fights continue to roll on up top.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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