August 20th, 2010, 11:55 Posted By: wraggster
BassAceGold has posted an entry in the Neoflash 2010 Coding Contest:
Heres the full details posted:
Nickname: BassAceGold
Projet name: Etch build 3137
From: Canada
Division: Retro APP
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: YES
Project description:
Etch is a paint app mainly focused towards pixel art with loads of features which surpass many other paint apps currently released for the DS.
Current Features Supported:
-Creation and Saving of 24,16 and 8 bit bitmaps
-Creation and Saving of Etch Project File (epf) formats (24,16 and 8 bit)
-creation and saving of images up to 1280x1024 (without external ram)
-partial layer support
-external ram and ram overclocking support (ez flash, supercard, etc..) for up to 32 mb memory use
-customizable options, controls and program colors via ini file
-zooming with configurable grids
-ttf font support in keyboard menu with Anti-Aliasing
-dynamic tool bar
-mini view on top screen
-standard tools (pencil, bucket, eraser, line and shape tools, color picker)
-editable 8bit color palette when in 8bit mode
-full file browser which can delete and compress files
Not finished or working Features
-R button is not customizable, it is reserved for Debug
-keyboard menu is incomplete
-need to optimize font rendering in kb menu
-selector tools
-Layer drawing is still basic, more time is needed to add the advanced features of layer drawing (alpha blending handling is missing so although you're drawing below a layer with alpha it won't show up)
-needs basic menu for creating new images etc...
Known Bugs:
-There are some issues undoing the fill tool
-possibly a few others
How to use:
-copy Etch.nds to anywhere on card
-copy etch.ini to the same folder as Etch.nds
-ensure picture directory (as specified in etch.ini) exists
-ttf fonts go in directory as specified in etch.ini
Controls can be customized via etch.ini file

For more information and downloads, click here!
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