March 1st, 2010, 22:24 Posted By: wraggster
Newly released today:

The ocean is teeming with life. Hundreds of real-life species are there to be discovered, from seahorses to giant whales
Are the local fish sick or agitated? Players can view their health status and then use a tranquilizer-like tool to zap the ones in need of rehab with healing energy
The game also includes a storyline that players can follow as they choose. The plot involves Oceana, a woman who investigates the “Dragon’s Song,” which her father, a prominent ocean explorer, was searching for just before his death
While at Nine Ball Island, players can become friends with a dolphin and teach it some new tricks. When ona dive, players can even bring along the dolphin, which players can hold onto for extra fast swimming
For the first time in the series, friends who have broadband Internet access can connect and dive with one another via Nintendo® Wi-Fi Connection, while using the Wii Speak™ microphone to converse
Players: 1, 2 via Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection
Endless Ocean: Blue World builds on the ocean experience first introduced with Endless Ocean™.While the last game emphasized relaxation, this one is designed with more adventure in mind. Divers might find themselves escaping from or calming down attacking sharks, exploring shipwrecks or finding treasure. Endless Ocean: Blue World also has more creatures and improved graphics designed to fully immerse players in an ocean environment that they can freely explore at their own pace.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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