May 11, 2006 - Nintendo Entertainment Analysis and Development's general manager, Takahashi Tezuka, recently chatted with IGN about Wii and its online functionality. The EAD leader confirmed once and for all that Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection on Wii would be an extension of the DS service and would not feature a standard interface like Xbox Live. And, uh, yes, get ready to enter those friend codes again.
IGN Wii: What is your plan for the Wi-Fi Connection and how might it compare to Xbox Live?
Takahashi Tezuka: Well, the Wii Wi-Fi Connection works the same as the Nintendo DS one. It's the three qualities that we emphasize. It's easy, safe and free.
IGN Wii: Will it have a central interface a la Live that all games will interact with, or will it be different on a game-by-game basis?
Tezuka: It'll be just like the DS so the interface will depend on the software.
IGN Wii: Will Wi-Fi Connection on Wii also use a Friends Code system?
Tezuka: Yes.
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