Posted By: wraggster
Pate has finally released an alpha build of his promising Dos emulator for DS, heres the news from him:

Well, somewhat surprisingly, I found the nastiest bugs in the code yesterday, and now DSx86 seems to be running reasonably well so that I dare release the first alpha version. Please note that it still is very much work-in-progress, so don't expect it to work properly all the time (or even most of the time).
You need to have 4DOS as a command shell, without that you can't do anything with DSx86. See the download page for download links. Naturally libFAT has to work on your setup as well, else all you get is this:
As you can see, the user interface also needs a lot of work still (if you are graphically inclined and feel like designing a user interface for DSx86, I would much appreciate your help!). You can click on the reddish items on the Screen configuration section to change the screen update behaviour on-the-fly. Other configuration changes need to be done via DSx86.ini file.
Phew, managed to get the first version released with a few days remaining on my vacation!
Games working with this release include LineWars II, Paratrooper, Alley Cat, Wing Commander II, Solar Winds and Leisure Suit Larry 3.
See if you can get more working 
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