Posted By: wraggster
The Hive has released a new Public Beta Version of his Spectrum emulator for the Nintendo DS, heres the interesting part he has posted a puzzle for you to solve to get the password to the Zipfile.
Heres his puzzle:
The screenshots below represent a smattering of Speccy nostalgia from my youth. Infact, they are probably all jointly responsible for the ultimate demise of my Speccys membrane keyboard, and certainly a few occasions of bloodshot eyes.
But, do any of you lot remember them? And more importantly, can you identify them from the screenies?
The first character from each game will form a 15 character password that you will NEED to UNRAR DSpec 0.2a (when it's released later this evening).
But please, once you know the password don't post it here Should be easy for most, but we'll see.
BTW - the password is not a word or sentence - it's meaningless, so you won't be able to fill in the blanks if you only know some of the games. Mwah ha ha ha ha haaa
Awesome fun for Spectrum fans and a new emulator to try for those who can solve it 
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