Here is another release of DSLua. The biggest improvement for this round is sprite support! Check out these busy little sprites...
Version 0.3
Fixed some memory leaks in the file systems and graphics routines
Added the FrameStrip object and Sprite object!
Included additional utilities (GBFS/GFX2GBA)
Removed the delay after scripts complete. If you need DSLua to wait before returning to menu, use the DSLua.WaitForAnyKey() function.
Please read the README.TXT for more details.
Avilable in the download section.
Added objects and functions
FrameStrip object is an object that you can use to pre-load sprite animation frames for your sprites. Every frame in the strip has the same width, height and color depth. All graphics in the strip are stored in the same VRAM area for the same screen.