Posted By: wraggster
Heres one i hadnt spotted but thanks to gbatemp who link to pdroms as source i now can post news on it:
The Homebrew Channel type app for the DS has been updated, heres whats new:

v1.12b (R4) (8-Mar-2009): A major step was taken, DsKiosk now also works on the R4 card (thank you Michael 'Fenrir' and all testers for their invaluable assistance). Le fichier ZIP contient dorénavant deux exécutables : dskiosk.nds et dskiosk-r4.nds . The ZIP file now contains two different executable: dskiosk.nds and dskiosk-r4.nds. Utilisez ce dernier si votre linker est un R4 ou similaire, ou si dskiosk.nds refuse de tourner. Use this if your linker is an R4 or similar, or if dskiosk.nds refuses to turn.
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