Here’s a new release, alpha 2a. Mostly a bug fix release, and 1 new feature.
* user created level selection behaves erratically
on briefing screen, robot spins too fast when text is written
- maybe fixed, couldn’t test* loading a savedgame crashes on certain cards
* homing missile warning doesn’t show
* buffer overflow possibly causing crash on briefing screen
* select button unusable
* invisible enemies still too visible
* text overflow in briefing screens
* remove quit option in main menu
New features:
* option to disable weapon autoselection
Need more info:
* 2d objects half-stuck in walls
- There’s probably nothing I can do about this because Descent didn’t use a zbuffer so anything that was drawn overwrote everything under it, and so by drawing 2d objects last one could ensure that they wouldn’t get clipped through walls. This is not possible on the DS as one cannot disable the zbuffer (do correct me if I’m wrong). Still, if someone can provide an exact location that this occurs, I’ll check if there’s something to be done.