Reylak offers version 1.0 of its adaptation of the game Minesweeper for the DS, "μDemineur DS" lua -coded thus requiring interpreter Lua Micro Lua DS to operate .
== > Version 1.0 beta {( [ 08.15.2009 ] ) }
<= > This is an interim version , pending other features that constitute the real version 1.0 <=>
< = > Despite the presence of "Options" button , they are not implemented yet ! <=>
< = > From this version of the lib StylusBox killer01 is used , please use it because it is a revised version to v3.0 MicroLua < = >
~ } The bug count the remaining mines in a new part
~ } Pause Menu
~} timed Parties
~} You can start a new game playing
~ } It is now impossible to reveal a box with a flag
~} It is now possible to place a flag on a visible box
< = > The download version uses relative paths, for use with No $ GBA Test or MLS . To play on the DS , you should replace these paths by the paths absolute (or relative position in the file lib ini.lua ) <= >
~} Minor cosmetic improvements
~} Main Menu
~ } Options in the game
~} INI file , options are automatically written into
~} The clock is now waiting for the first click to start
~ } Integration of displacement of the grid ( so you can play with a grid larger than the screen! )