Posted By: wraggster
Wolped has updated his entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: wolped
Project name : DS-DOS
From : Minnesota, USA
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: DS-DOS is an MS-DOS type clone, featuring a command line interface.
Latest Version .45
(iDeaS cut off part of the picture)
The rest is from the readme:
DS-DOS a MS-DOS clone by Shawn Winkels.
Version .45
-Fixed names larger than 6 characters (thanks cornaljoe)
-Fixed bug that stopped hardware if fat3.dldi wasn't found
Version .41
-Added Ability to copy files between cards
Version .21
-Added NeoFlash compo splash screen
Version .20
-Fixed some copy problems
-Cleaned up "dir" command
-Added "lock" and "ulok"
-Added restart by pressing Start
-"cd" is still broken
-sound is still broken
DS-DOS is a first filebrowser of it's kind. This text-based application will allow
you to view/copy/move/delete/rename files on your memory card or built-in memory.
It also allows you to boot other .nds binaries (users of certain cards may have
trouble with this). Don't forget to DLDI patch it.
Currently Implemented Commands (case-sensitive)
date displays the date
time displays the time
cls clears the screen
help displays help
ver displays DS-DOS version
del allows deleting of files
copy allows copying of files
move allows moving of files
ren allows renaming of files
dir displays a list of files and directories in current directory
cd change the current directory
lock locks the filesystem, preventing use of del/copy/move/ren
ulok unlocks the filesystem allowing use of del/copy/move/ren
To boot any .nds file, just type the filename (myndsfile.nds). If it is currently
in a folder, you will have to type the full path unless the folder it resides in
is the current working directory (folder\myndsfile.nds).
To use the extra device, you must have a dldi file called "fat3.dldi", which is a
renamed dldi file of the other device you want to use. To boot an .nds file on the
other device, you would type "fat3:\myndsfile.nds". Copying, renaming, moving, and
deleting all work this same way.
For some reason, typing any commands larger than five characters long, may break
certain commands. To fix this, press Start to restart DS-DOS (file must be named
Thanks to: TeenDev for bootlib; Chishm for libfat; cornaljoe for character fix:
Everyone involved with devkitPro and PAlib; And to all Nintendo DS homebrewers.
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