Posted By: wraggster
Wolped has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:

Nickname: wolped
Project name : DS-DOS
From : Minnesota, USA
Division : NDS APP
Original enter : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Project description: DS-DOS is an MS-DOS type clone, featuring a command line interface.
Latest Version .21
(actually .50 is the latest but my computer crashed last week)
(iDeaS cut off part of the picture)
The rest is from the readme:
DS-DOS a MS-DOS clone by Shawn Winkels.
Version .21
-Added NeoFlash compo splash screen
Version .20
-Fixed some copy problems
-Cleaned up "dir" command
-Added "lock" and "ulok"
-Added restart by pressing Start
-"cd" is still broken
-sound is still broken
DS-DOS is a first filebrowser of it's kind. This text-based application will allow
you to view/copy/move/delete/rename files on your memory card or built-in memory.
It also allows you to boot other .nds binaries (users of certain cards may have
trouble with this). Don't forget to DLDI patch it.
Currently Implemented Commands (case-sensitive)
date displays the date
time displays the time
cls clears the screen
help displays help
ver displays DS-DOS version
del allows deleting of files
copy allows copying of files
move allows moving of files
ren allows renaming of files
dir displays a list of files and directories in current directory
cd change the current directory
lock locks the filesystem, preventing use of del/copy/move/ren
ulok unlocks the filesystem allowing use of del/copy/move/ren
To boot any .nds file, just type the filename (myndsfile.nds). If it is currently
in a folder, you will have to type the full path unless the folder it resides in
is the current working directory (folder\myndsfile.nds).
For some reason, typing any commands larger than five characters long, may break
certain commands. To fix this, press Start to restart DS-DOS (file must be named
Thanks to: TeenDev for bootlib; Chishm for libfat; Everyone involved with devkitPro
and PAlib; And to all Nintendo DS homebrewers.
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