March 15th, 2009, 00:53 Posted By: wraggster
leinad has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Contest:

Nickname: leinad (a.k.a. n00bey)
Project name: DronS
From: Germany
Division: NDS GAME
Original entry: NO
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Project description: An Armagetron clone. Every player is represented as a "line" and has to avoid to drive into other lines - and therefor try to "kill" the other players.
[ This is V 1.50 ; Mainly random code cleanings and fixes~ specialy the server should finaly offer some stable gameplay for more than 2 rounds ... ]
- English, German, Czech, Spanish, Dutch and French laguage support
- Online-Multiplayer feature - Play against people all over the world (Well... yet not much activity ...)
- Supports NeoFlash Rumble Pak
- Very customizable: You can set every color, speed, arena size, mirroring, acceleration, brakes ammount, maximal speed, rumble ....
- 3D-Gameplay:
-- It is possible to steer the camera
-- The "head" of the players are displayed as cars
-- Walls have some textures on it
-- The ground is mirroring everything
-- . . .
- The whole button-map is configurable
Thanks to:
- Programix - for Czech translation
- FraGMenT - for Spanish translation
- Jeantje - for Dutch translation
- Decjo & Lucnam - for French translation
- Salz - for the boxart
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