Doctors in the UK are trying to get 15-25-year-olds tested for the STD chlamydia. Get this, the way they’re getting the young adults to participate in the testing is giving them a opportunity to win a Nintendo Wii. That’s right, if you ‘pee, you can win a Wii.’ Of course if your a woman, you don’t pee but get the area ‘gamers‘ call ‘the place I’ll never see,’ swapped with a q-tip.
Apparently some young adults are buying into it, Keeley Wilson (20) said:
“I probably wouldn’t get tested if there was no incentive. But if you could win a Wii you’d probably do it even if you weren’t at risk.”
I guess the Wii is more important than the chances of her cervix, urethra, and the glands of the ‘place we’ll never see‘ all becoming inflamed because of the STD. Seriously though, have you played Boom Blox?