That’s going to be the name. I hope you like it, if you don’t, at least spread the word so I get publicity anyway. ~Har ~har!!
I am beginning work on the PC server (as Dii will communicate through the PC to get its resources). I’m using C#.NET (2.0) for the server so it will have a nice interface. On the DS side, I have put down the different functionalities I want in Dii and I sorted them into categories. Most of the information pulled from the internet will go through the PC server to minimize the garbage that has to be sent to the DS. This means that Dii will require the PC to be on. However, not for all features. I will probably write a direct internet access module, but that’s not really important right now.
What is important, is the Send File function of the PC server. What I hate is to plug the miniSD card in and out just to test files. The Send File function will allow me to download a file from PC to DS. This way, I’m going to make homebrew life easier. I hope it will work. Got my fingers crossed.
So.. Back to work. - Oh and comments are really appreciated. If I do anything foolish, don’t wait a second to awaken my idealistic mind.