August 21st, 2009, 01:34 Posted By: wraggster
smealum has posted an entry into the Neoflash Summer 2009 coding comp:
Nickname: Smealum and Lobo
Project name : DawnSeekers
From : France/USA
Division : NDS GAME
Original entry : YES
Support Motion : NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO

Dawnseekers is a full 3D first person shooter for the Nintendo DS coded by myself, smealum, and with graphics made by Lobo.
This is a demo featuring two maps, two weapons and 4 different enemy types. It features a somewhat advanced 3D engine which can not only render very big and detailed maps, but also multiple enemies on screen at once, with some lighting effects (in the demo though, i didn't have enough time to really get the lighting effects to work at their full potential again, sorry for the inconvenience). I wrote most of the code, with the exception of the base of my MD2 loader, which was first coded by the owner of tfc.duke.free.fr, then reused by Payk then finally reoptimized by myself (it can render up to four time faster now).
As far as gameplay goes, it's a rather classic FPS; the goal is to kill without getting killed and to get to the end of each level. There is a backstory that I wrote, but I didn't have time to implement the story telling elements into the demo unfortunately.
Here are the controls :
D-PAD / ABXY to move
R/L to shoot
Stylus to aim/change weapons (only the pistol and machine gun are available at the moment)
Select to open doors (this is very important)
Start to pause (less important. )
Since there are only two maps, there wasn't much of a point in having a saving system, so instead Play launches map1, and load launches map2. It's also possible to access map2 by completing map1, without having to use the menu.
That's probably about it. Both lobo and I have worked very hard for this to happen, so please enjoy.
NOTE : this game was developped with an M3 DS Simply. Unfortunately, I can not guarantee it will work on every other flashcard. This game doesn't save anything on your card, so there shouldn't be any problems, but if there are, it's your fault, not mine.
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