Posted By: wraggster
Datel the makers of Freeloader for the Gamecube and many other console products have posted that they are working on a Freeloader for the Nintendo Wii:
If you have one of the later versions of Action Replay or FreeLoader for GameCube, you can use it on your Nintendo Wii when playing GameCube games. It won’t work with Wii – titles – it’s a GameCube product after all – but those who trade in their Cubes and invest in a Wii can carry on playing their imported GameCube games with FreeLoader and enhancing the experience with Action Replay.
“But will there be a FreeLoader or Action Replay for the Wii?”, we hear you cry. “We want to play multiregion Wii games, and bust them wide open too!” All we can say at present is watch this space – we’re working on it, and if it’s possible, you’ll be the first to know.
Awesome news from Datel, the sooner the better for me