On the occasion of the release of V7 Final cIOS d2x (since December 6 already), and as the development of the installer dragbe seems stalled, GX-Mod now offers a version unofficially the d2x cIOS Installer 3.1. It now includes the cIOS d2x V7 Final and was translated into French by me, for anglophobes. The modified sources are of course included in the archive to comply with the license. Note that this version does not differ from the pack "Installer 3.1 + d2x V7", except that the d2x V7 files have been included directly in the source (more own) and the whole interface has been translated into French. Being an unofficial version, any bug or error in translation should not be reported to the original author (who need not be bothered with an unofficial version), but directly to me. d2x cIOS Installer 3.1 Fr (Unofficial) Official site: http://code.google.com/p/d2x-cios-installer/