Following the release of d2x cIOS vWii V10 Compatible (Wii mode on Wii U), it will not take long for FIX94 (main developer of wiiflow for those who do not know) to offer us a modified version of the installer originally developed by dragbe . installer This change will greatly simplify the installation of cIOS d2x on vWii since sailed with him all the patches required for installation without recourse to any IOS third party (eg 236 ). So just unzip the folder d2x-cios-install the archive in the apps directory of your SD card, so how to decompress the archive d2x vWii V10 in the same directory as the installer then you leave guide. REMEMBER, the d2x cIOS, from v10, now comes in two versions: one for the Wii, the other mode vWii the Wii U. It is important not to mix in a possible risk of brick. d2x cIOS To retrieve the v10 goes well, it happens here . PLEASE NOTE: modified installer does not need WAD of IOS 56, 57 and 58. It goes directly to those installed natively in vWii. d2x cIOS Installer 2.2 Mod