March 23rd, 2007, 12:54 Posted By: Darksaviour69
This is great news for homebrewers!!
Alten8 will publish, Harmless lion's Dreamcast independent game, Cool Herders for the DS.
Cool Herders was a homebrew game for the Dreamcast release with the Tonic disc at E3, back in 2001 (you can download the freeware/demo version here)
Later GOAT Store published a (much improved) commercial Version for the dreamcast, which you can still order here.
From press release
Cool Herders For The Nintendo DS
Alten8 is pleased to reveal the first title for the Nintendo DS to be released by Alten8 during 2007. Working closely with Harmless Lion Studios , Alten8 is bringing this title to the market which will appeal to a wide variety of players of all ages , and genders. With bright colourful characters , and good game play , lead your flock of sheep to safety , protect them from dangers , and don’t just follow the herd…!!
Four player wi-fi action will feature in this great game , which is based on its creators original Dreamcast version but with all new features for the DS . It is a perfect first market entry for Alten8 as a publisher , to launch itself into the console market. Full details will be released over the coming weeks of both this , and the other future console titles from Alten8.
Alten8 has a range of ten , DS games in production and confirmed . This number is set to grow over the coming weeks with other further games in discussion. Some of the games under development will also cover PC and Wii versions as they progress , giving Alten8 various multi-format title releases.
Alten8 will both publish these games itself in some regions , and in partnership with other interested companies , for regions not yet covered or signed. Alten8 welcomes interest from third parties in this future DS range , or other content or business services it can offer.
It great to see something that started off as (dreamcast) homebrew, to hit the big time 
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