Wow time’s moved fast, I must apologise for the slow progress of late! I’ve got the new devkitpro installed but I’m having a problem with all my ROMs crashing dualis (maybe I should try no$gba?). I’ve got a little cash-flow problem from last month too which has delayed me buying a new homebrew card so I can’t test the ROM on the DS either. Because I’m lazy and avoiding the ‘hard work’ that is finding out why the DS build doesn’t work I’m still plugging away at the PC build.
I’ve fixed a couple of bugs in the game code and started to add support for sub-cells. This is what I’m calling the points within a cell that a unit can occupy, such as infantry. I’m not sure if I’m approaching it properly right now but the way I have keeps the pathfinding simple. The problem seemed simple at first glance but I’ve not found an elegant way incorporating it into movement. Infantry want to move toward the closest free subcell space so the search pattern for free spaces is different depending on what neighbouring cell you’ve come from. I want to find an elegant way of doing that search without a nest of IF and SWITCH statements. I’m just getting it to work first though, then I’ll go back and make it nicer later.