Posted By: wraggster
The Command and Conquer Clone for DS Project have posted some news news to whet your appetite:
Thanks Ultraq for posting a great link to a description of the C&C INI Files. I will be writing a map file format of my own for the DS game, but I want to convert the original maps over too. This info should let me do that. Here's the link:
I got the callbacks in the debug menu working and TMP support is mostly written into the editor now. The only problem is when you apply a template that overlaps the edge of the map. I've just got to write a quick bounds check in that case. Then I'll let the editor support bigger maps, which sadly is a little more work than it sounds but will be worth it. Then once that's saved out scrolling DS maps here we come
Oh I don't think I mentioned this before but I also got tilemaps drawing on the PC SDL port of the game. It's not a very good emulation of the DS yet - but the basics are there and working. This will make debugging easier and speed up development

Modding this game on DS sounds like a great idea, i foresee a Star Wars Version at some time