Posted By: wraggster
pragun has posted more details of his unreleased game for DS:

Hi! I've been playing around with PAlib this weekend (just found it Friday) and decided to try to port over one of the games I had made a few years ago for the PC. It's called Boxed In. The DS version will be called...Boxed In DS. So far there are no menus or anything fancy, I've just been trying to get gameplay working alright...and it seems good so far. Never programmed for anything other than a PC before. I'll put up a link to it when I feel like its actually in a distributable state.
The game is set up as follows:
There is a 10x8 grid with various boxes. Use the stylus to drag the boxes around the level. You can drag left and right, but gravity will bring the blocks down (or up if there are anti-gravity blocks in the level). The goal is to remove all of the boxes from the gameboard.
Meanwhile, Today's Updates
+ added rudimentary menus
+ ported 100 levels (ehh i decided ill probably just use my pc levels)
+ animated collisions
+ added ability to choose difficulty, added level skip and back and level quit buttons
^ except for that last one, i want to make the levels unlockable as you go , so that's the next plan.
To Do (before release) - Definitely
+ Properly implement menus
+ Properly implement the upper screen during gameplay (it doesn't look that great ATM as you can tell)
+ Limit to a few levels (I'll release the rest when the full thing is ready!)
To Do (before release) - Possibly
+ Add themes (aka make it so not the same background is on every window)
+ Add saving/unlocking features