Posted By: Darksaviour69

The employees at the big box stores have really clammed up about the 17th, but it's the world's worst kept secret. A BB employee showed me the Wii's on order for all the local stores (DC Metro) and it looks like they all had an order for 18-24 units in the system. Add this to the 50 (or possibly 40) units that all BB stores will receive on the 16th and the total is going to be a minimum of 58 (18+40) to (24+50) 74 units per store. Plus whatever else they're squirreled away. I know they *were* expecting more on the order of 80 units/store to come in on the 16th, but I have no idea if Nintendo is going to be able to deliver. Here's the supposed word to hold until the 17th for BB