March 26th, 2007, 22:34 Posted By: wraggster
New for Nintendo DS:

Now your favorite board games are available on the Nintendo DS! This compilation reprises the classic games Battleship, Connect Four, Sorry!, and Trouble. Battleship has come a long way to get to the Nintendo DS. First there was paper and pencil, then the board game versions, and now here. Using your skill and logic, can you be the first to sink all 5 of your opponent's ships before they can sink yours? In Connect Four, play the original vertical four in a row checkers game. Horizontal. Vertical. Diagonal. All you have to get is four in a row...
Take turns dropping checkers into place and try to get four in a row in any direction - while preventing your opponent from doing it first! Then, move on to Sorry, the classic game of slide and pursuit! Be the first player to move all four of your pawns around the game board from Start to Home. Trouble, Milton Bradley's classic race-and-chase game, is guaranteed to bring out your competitive side. Hop your pegs around the track. Land on an opponent's peg and bump it back home. Keep poppin' and hoppin' to get all pegs to the finish line first.
Buy Battleship / Connect Four / Sorry! / Trouble
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