July 23rd, 2009, 21:25 Posted By: wraggster

Activision has announced its Band Hero game will be coming to the DS, and will be playable with a new drum grip peripheral.
The game had previously only been confirmed for PlayStation 3, PlayStation 2, Wii and Xbox 360 formats. Like those versions, the DS game will allow players to combine lead guitar, bass, drums and vocals to perform songs, and it will also come with a custom peripheral. As with the Guitar Hero: On Tour games, Band Hero will come bundled with a special finger-activated peripheral - this time a drum grip.
Like Guitar Hero's guitar grip, the peripheral will slot into the DS Lite's GBA slot, according to Kotaku, which will render it incompatible with the DSi. The game's executive producer, David Nathanielsz, told the website the reason for adding the peripheral was to make it more comfortable to rapidly tap the game's drum patterns.
A retail price has yet to be confirmed, but the Guitar Hero: On Tour bundle sold for GBP 39.99. The Band Hero games are due for release in the autumn.
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