Posted By: wraggster
vaccha has updated his gambling game for the DS, heres the release info:

This is a gambling game similiar to the famous slot (or fruit) machine. But a horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of the same symbol or color or distinct symbols and colors counts as a pay line.
1. A horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of the same symbol or color counts as a pay line.
2. A horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of distinct symbols and colors counts as a pay line.
3. A horizontal, vertical or diagonal line of the same symbol or color or distinct symbols and colors counts as a pay line.
1. High: Current high.
2. Coin: Current coins.
3. Paid: Coins paid.
4. O: Change the order. Pad left.
5. R: Change the rule. Pad down.
6. B: Change the bet. Pad right.
7. Grid: Restart. Button Y.
8. Question mark: Help! Button B.
9. Arrows: Shuffle. Button A.
0.2.0pre - Some bug fixes and add some documentation. Improved and simplified inputs. diplos logo included.
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