A quick update has been released for
@SciresM 's Switch CFW, Atmosphère, bumping the version up to 0.9.1. Support for the latest available OFW (8.1.0) has been added and a few emuMMC-related bugs have been fixed. This, however, is
not the general bugfix release the devs were talking about previously, so emuMMC should still be considered experimental for the time being.
The official changelog can be read below:
Quoted from Changelog:
0.9.1 is Atmosphère's nineteenth official release.
fusee-primary was last updated in: 0.9.1.
With thanks to the
@switchbrew team, Atmosphère 0.9.1 is bundled with
hbl 2.1, and
hbmenu 3.0.1.
The following was changed since the last release:
- Support was added for 8.1.0.
- Please note, emummc is still considered beta/experimental -- this is not the inevitable bugfix update for it, although some number of bugs have been fixed.

- General system stability improvements to enhance the user's experience.
For information on the featureset supported by 0.9.0, please see
the official release notes.
Click to expand...
On a last note, fusee-primary has also been changed with this version. Remember to update it too if you're using it!
UPDATE: If you were not being able to boot with this release, re-download it from the repo. A bug has been fixed which caused the system to hang if there was no emummc.ini file present on the microSD card.