Posted By: wraggster
News/release from Exdream

After a long semester at the university and a conversion to C++ the first version of ArchonDS is available.
In this version you can only play the battle between the archer and the dragon (without AI) in the woods, but the complete data structure and collision engine for the battle mode is ready now. I only have to add more characters and arenes.
- Move: Pad
- Attack: L
- Move: X, A, B, Y
- Attack: R
Restart: START
Play archon theme: SELECT
Actual informations in my developer diary (only in german):
I want to release regularly the latest build, so that you can follow the developing process.
I you have some good playersprites, backgrounds, soundeffects or MODfiles, please send it to me!
eXdreAm aka Wiese
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