Posted By: wraggster
DCEmu Coder Lordus has posted an entry into the Neoflash Coding Comp:

ApprenticeMinusDS is a Nintendo DS Gamegear and Sega MasterSystem emulator that uses hardware rendering.
This version has scaling support for Gamegear mode and a region selection option, to enable playing of multi-region games in non-Japanese mode.
The hardware renderer was completely rewritten to support the scaling, but there was not enough time to test it, and there are some known (and unknown bugs) that i introduced, that will be fixed as soon as possible. Mostly it should be fine though. See the readme for more info on known issues and how to get around them, if possible.
Button1 = (B)
Button2 = (Y) or (A)
L,R,D,U = directional keys
(X): Center screen
(L): Move screen area left
(R): Move screen area right
(Note: screen area can just be moved, if the game has a horizontal resolution of 320 pixels)
(SELECT): Enter File Browser (Also accessible by touchscreen)
Touch the "CONFIG" icon to enter Settings ingame.
(L)+(R): savestate menu (10 slots available / game)
(L): rewind
(R): Fast forward
(X)+(R): cycle through screen modes (game on top or bottom screen, modes where just 1 screen is used)
(X]+(L): cycle through GG scaling modes (none, correct aspect ration, fit screen)
See readme.txt for more infos.
Hope you enjoy it.
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