November 2nd, 2005, 19:00 Posted By: wraggster
News from Lik Sang
Move into a living, breathing world inside the Nintendo DS... and then invite friends to visit from anywhere on earth. It's the sequel to the wildly popular GameCube game, where now players and up to three friends can hang out in the same village and interact in real time – either through wireless LAN or over Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection. Days and seasons pass in real time and gamers can decorate their homes, catch bugs or fish, collect brand-new items like hats and sunglasses or just chat with the wild and whacky characters in their villages. Create your own story, only this time you are able to accomplish that on the go: just live life, extend a home, interact with neighbors and explore the surroundings. Here, much of the cast of the original Animal Crossing returns, including animals of all shapes and personality types: K.K. Slider, Tom Nook, Blathers, Mr. Resetti and more. Expect to be introduced to new faces as well.

Players move into village, buy a small house and then do whatever they want. Use your stylus to type letters or design patterns on the touchscreen, which makes item management and world navigation super-easy. Draw designs for clothing or wallpaper this way, drag clothing or items onto characters or just lead them around the world. The interface has been recreated for the Nintendo DS online experience. Villages have now a giant gate at the north end of the screen. The GameCube version featured a train station here. Inside, one of two guards will give you the option to either change your flag's texture or to visit another village via local connection or Wi-Fi. The latter selection brings up a dedicated menu of villages available, where you can choose your destination. A great life-sim with added online capabilities, Animal Crossing: Wild World is above all a fun universe, where you and friends can gather to create an individual gaming experience, free from most pre-directed paths the majority of games released today might force you to follow. Be part of the global village on November 23rd, preorders for this unique title are already very welcome.
For more information and downloads, click here!
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