February 24th, 2009, 21:32 Posted By: wraggster
News from Consolesource

As an official AceKard reseller, ConsoleSource.com is please to introduce the AceKard2i. The AceKard2i is the first NDS flash cart to be 100% compatible with the new Nintendo DSi handheld console. The AceKard2i is available from ConsoleSource.com immediately for as little as $24.95ea.
The all new and all powerful Acekard 2i offers support for NDS, NDS Lite, and the new DSi. Acekard 2 has many great features and is a great buy. The interface is by far the best of any cart available.
Acekard 2i use the technology of directly writting save file to MicsoSD card. No need to manually select save size or backup save when turn on DS. No battery needed. Acekard 2i can use save files from other flash carts and do not need convert. All you need to do is make sure the save file has the same prefix name and put it at the same directory of ROM. Then you can just run the game to use new save file.
Acekard 2i inherit the best quality of acekard’s products. You can just drag and drop software on MicroSD card to run. On first boot it takes some time to create save file. The loader time after save file is created is very fast.
The Acekard 2i is compatible with all homebrew because of the DLDI auto-patcher. You can just copy the homebrews to the MicroSD card and run it. You can use Moonshell, one of the most well known homebrew software on DS, for multi media. Watching movie, listening MP3, reading TXT novel on DS is so easy!
Supports DSi and NDS Lite
Save file is written directly to TF card. No need to manually select save size, no data loss.
Automatic DLDI patching. Run homebrew programs without converting.
Support soft-reset, Download Play and WiFi gaming!
Support SDHC TF card. Virtually unlimited storage size !
Support any brand of TF, with no slowdown!
Support Action Replay cheats . Build-in editor!
Low power consumption for longer operational time!
Built-in multiple languages and DIY skinning!
For more information and downloads, click here!
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