Nickname: B12Core
Project name : Ace Attorney DS
From: Canada
Division : DS APP
Original submission : YES
Support for Motion Card : YES
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10 : NO
Download link:
Installation: Explained in the thread
Description: Anime Image Game Engine
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Ace Attorney DS
This application is an "Anime Image Game Engine". It is used to create and manipulate scenes to form a script in which the player can delve into. I have added extra support with this application, to support the emulation of the game "Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney". This genre of game involves a protagonist Defense Attorney whom helps defend his clients through finding out information during interrogation, examining crime scenes, moving from location to location, presenting evidence to suspects and witnesses and proving testimony in court as false.
Ace Attorney DS reads from .ini files which fill in variables needed for the case to run. This engine, or in other words "Casemaker", comes with 113 profile sprites, 280 evidence sprites, 99 maps and 941 animations (pre-scripted for you, from Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney and Phoenix Wright : Justice For All). Using these resources and the knowledge of the .ini functions, you can basically re-create a Phoenix Wright game, with your own custom plot, characters, evidence/profiles, maps/collision maps, and music. Don't feel limited to only being able to make Phoenix Wright games, this is an Anime Image Game Engine with unlimited possibilities if you have ideas. A fanfiction can be played out, for instance, through this application with the necessary sprites and script. Simply put, Ace Attorney DS is a game-maker.
I also realize that many of you may or may not be familiar of Phoenix Wright games and their genre. That is why I have included several tutorials on how to use this application to its fullest capabilities and learn how to create your own games or visual novels using the engine. It can take a long time to go through every single tutorial, so I'm asking if it's possible that you guys may not judge the book by its cover and flip through the tutorials, learning how the application works. Thank you very much!
1. Simply place Ace Attorney DS.nds and the AADS folder into the root of your flash card.
2. Boot the ROM from whatever firmware you may be using and enjoy!
In the separate folder on the root of your flash card, named AADS, there are several folders inside. Navigate to AADS/cases/caseselection.ini and you will be able to see the case selection list used to determine the amount of cases and the folders the ROM should look for to start the cases. If you move further in, at AADS/cases/ini, there are several folders containing .ini files that the ROM reads. These .ini files are the basis of cases, and are used to define variables required by the casemaker to run. If you start the ROM up on hardware, you can begin take the tutorials (there are 30) to learn how to use the functions that are readable by the .ini files. Have fun!
The application has DSMotion support. If you're wondering how, you can browse through the court record by tilting the DS in several directions. Also, you can press Start to save the game and suspend play.
I'm also asking if it's possible that my GUI not be ripped since I made most of the entire GUI used in the ROM.
+ Fanfictions
+ Ace Attorney-based games
+ Visual thriller novels (such as Hotel Dusk)
+ Plot-based video games
Quote from: Features on Today at 02:27:29 AM
+ .ini reading to determine music playing
+ .ini reading to determine character animation finished
+ .ini reading to determine character text finished
+ .ini reading to determine map background finished
+ .ini reading to determine evidence description finished
+ .ini reading to determine all evidence/profile IDs finished
+ .ini reading to determine whether or not evidence/profile is "check-able" finished
+ .ini reading to determine text type (green, blue or white, as well as inherent sound effects (male blip, female blip and typewriter)
+ FAT loading of music, allowing for custom songs
+ Added 212 Profile and 280 Evidence sprites. Basically every item/person in every single Ace Attorney game to date
+ Added 99 Maps. Basically every map in every single Ace Attorney game to date
+ Added custom fonts for text and evidence descriptions
+ Added Capcom's sounds to the "typewriter" style for their text.
+ Added colour system for the font, being able to change it from the Blue/Green/White/Gold colours tones from all Ace Attorney games.
+ Present GUI complete
+ Move GUI complete
+ Examine GUI complete
+ Talk GUI complete
+ Talk option check (if talk option is the first talk option, say this) complete
+ Present option check (if this item is evidence one, say this) complete
+ Move option check (if this map is map number one, move to this map and do this) complete
+ Examine check (if the cursor is above this object, create examine button) complete
+ Tile Collision for examining maps complete
+ Added basic JumpTo and PrepareFor events
+ Added Dynamic Options
+ Added Presenting
+ Added PRETRL jump event for automatic JumpToPRE1
+ Added Trials and Testimony
+ Added Alt Code support and custom characters
+ Added HP lowering and increasing
+ Added Gyakuten Kenji GUI (please do not rip, I made it myself)
+ Added 48 item leverage (24 evidence/24 profiles)
+ Added custom case art loading from FAT
+ Added saving/loading
+ Fixed a lot of bugs, there are still some in the program (graphical bugs, shouldn't affect gameplay, easy to fix)
+ Added all animation sprites from GS1/GS2
+ Created 27 collision maps, still 64 left
+ Added support for French/Spanish/Italian/German characters
+ Added 24 tutorials on how to use the casemaker
+ Added Aoi Shoudo's custom soundtrack (with permission) to the mp3 folder
+ Added directory of SFX, encoded for use with the casemaker
+ Added 3 multi-language tutorials, in Spanish, French and German
+ Added FAT loading of custom maps
+ Added FAT loading of custom collision maps
+ Added FAT loading of custom items
+ Added FAT loading of custom animations AND init.ini scripting of them
+ Added FAT loading of custom SFX
+ Added support for motion, tilt the motion in different directions to browse through the evidence.
Here is an example of a .ini file case:
Quote from: Example on Today at 02:27:29 AM
Name=Using the HP
SCR1REGText=This tutorial will focus on using the HP bar in trials.
SCR2REGText=We will be using events number 3 and 4 today. These will be used to add/subtract HP.
SCR3REGText=This tutorial will be very brief, as HP is a very simple variable to control.
SCR4REGText=Every case starts the player off with 20 HP. Through using Event 3, we will reduce the HP by
SCR5REGText=the number given in the EventXInt. For instance, I will now reduce the HP by 3.
SCR6REGText=Using Event 4, we can increase the HP by the number given in the EventXInt.
SCR7REGText=Hence, I will increase the HP by 2.
SCR8REGText=Increasing the HP bar past 20 will set the HP to 20.
SCR9REGText=Decreasing the HP bar past 0 will set the HP to 0.
SCR10REGText=Once the HP bar goes to 0, you will initiate SCR10 of GlobalMode999. This is a JumpToEvent
SCR11REGText=used to organize what the Judge will say due to the player losing all of his HP.
SCR12REGText=It will execute like so:
SCR10REGText=You have lost the game.
SCR11REGText=Now to call upon the 'Guilty' event.
SCR12REGText=Using event number 256, the 'Guilty' animation will occur and then a game reset.