In a subtle-but-not-too-much way, Smealum has announced a few days ago that his ssspwn exploit (and associated homebrew loader) will be released next week (screenshot below).
The release of this exploit has been delayed by several months, after Nintendo announced the New 3DS. Smealum wanted to confirm his exploit would run fine on the new device. Which it does.
This is a big week for the 3DS scene: Smealum’s announcement comes in the context of new rom loading card “Sky3DS” and its clones just going on sale this week that enable piracy on the latest 3DS firmware; as well as Gateway 3DS announcing recently that they will soon be supporting the latest firmwares 9.xx as well (Gateway3DS cards were until now only compatible up to firmware 4.5… it is worth mentioning that their support on 9.xx might not be as complete as the features they offer on 4.xx, as they recommend people to stay on 4.5 if possible)
It will be interesting to see if Smealum’s release shortcuts the hardware solutions. Although an educated guess tells me those flashcarts will do just fine, given how Smealum has stated several times that his hack will not enable rom supports (at least out of the box).
I’m personally of course much more excited by a homebrew solution, and the technical details of the hacks behind it, than a DRM protected piracy solution (which to me ruins the whole point of being a tinkering hobbyist in the first place). Smealum’s solution will also not be totally free, as it relies on an exploit in a game, that people will need to purchase in order to trigger the exploit. It is a possibility that once the exploit is announced, Nintendo will remove it from their digital store, leaving people to fight for physical copies of the game. PSP owners might remember how copies of the game GTA: Liberty City stories went up to almost $200 in Japan once it was known this was “the” exploitable game (how ironic that with the Vita we discovered hundreds of exploitable PSP games).