This is my port of falling sand for the wii(version 2):
for player 1
note: you must hold + for ~half a second to make the cursor appear
a:--------------------------place partical
b:--------------------------change matirial
+/- :-----------------------increas/deacreas brush size
1:--------------------------pause simulation
dpad left/right:---------cycle through squares
dpad up:-----------------drop squares
home:--------------------return to loader
for players two through 4 (the squares)
note: wiimote must be held side ways so the dpad is on the left and 1 and 2 are on the right
dpad left/right:-----------accelerate left and right
dpad up:-------------------jump
hold b:----------------------grab a square you are touching
b+2+dpad:-----------------through square you have grabbed
1+left/right:--------------dig left and right