August 26th, 2011, 01:35 Posted By: wraggster
An entry into this years Neoflash Coding Contest, heres the full details:
Nickname: smealum
Projet name: DScraft
From: France
Division: Retro GAME
Platform: NDS
Original enter: YES
Support Motion: NO
In last NEO Compo this project have won in the top 10: NO
Official website
Project description:
DScraft is a DS homebrew adaptation of the popular game Minecraft. At the moment this is a rather complete adptation of "creative mode" (or minecraft Classic), which means there is only exploration and creation in this version. I am planning on attempting to adapt survival in future versions ! 
DScraft v200811
DScraft v200811 FAT only (download this if you're having trouble with the previous version)
Texture packs (default jolipack and painterly, visibility and planetpack)
Simply drag and drop DScraft.nds and the dscraft directory to your card. dscraft directory should be at the root of the cart; the .nds file can be anywhere though.
Included are a "worlds" directory and mapGen program. The worlds directory contains several pre-generated worlds for you to explore; simply drag and drop the files to the dscraft/worlds directory to install each one.
The mapGen program is used to generate new worlds. Simply execute it and follow the steps.
Texture packs can be installed by unzipping them in a directory in the dscraft/packs folder.
Screenshots are stored in the dscraft/screens directory.

- ability to add and remove blocks
- nice terrain generation (including cliffs, plains, small forests, lakes...)
- basic cave generation
- map streaming from file, meaning really big maps can be used (1024x1024 maps are fully playable)
- texture pack support (the game's default texture pack is eldpack)
- saving
- day/night cycle, clouds, dawn/dusk, stars... (basically : nice sky )
- more or less dynamic lighting system (torches !)
- basic bottom screen (working buttons, inventory)
- tons of blocks !
- (basic) dynamic water
- hand !
Control Scheme 1 :

Double tap : jump
ABXY : toggle fly mode
Control Scheme 2 :

ABXY : toggle fly mode
Special thanks
- #dev-fr 
- eld for his awesome textures
- notch and all of mojang for creating and maintaining minecraft
- boomboombass for the awesome website made under such short notice
- all of my dedicated beta testers 
- Cyan, GBAtemp, Vloz, Sir_Voe and the two other people whose nicknames weren't in there emails for their generous donations 
Have some spare change ? The game is and will always be free, but if you feel like donating, here's a link : 

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