March 19th, 2018, 20:16 Posted By: wraggster
Heres a new version of the Sega Multi System emulator for the Nintendo 3ds/2DS:
I'm putting up v0.94b for testing for anyone who would like the latest. 
Fixes include:
- Added support to save battery-backed RAM for CD games
- Fixed problems with games that show parts of the previous screens at the left/right edges
- Added support for cheats.
No emulation-related fixes, so in terms of compatibility, it should remain the same as v0.93.
Some explanation on the cheat format:
The .CHX is a cheat file format that you can create with any text editor. Each line in the file corresponds to one cheat, and is of the following format:
1. [Y/N] represents whether the cheat is enabled. Whenever you enable/disable it in the emulator, the .CHX cheat file will be modified to save your changes.
2. [CheatCode] must be an Genesis / Mega Drive Game Genie or Pro Action Replay cheat code. The cheat code looks like one of the following:
- **RHVA-A6WR** (Game Genie)
- **FFFE0D:0099** (Pro Action Replay)
- **FFB933:00** (Pro Action Replay)
- **FFB9 3300** (Pro Action Replay)
3. [Name] is a short name that represents this cheat. Since this will appear in the emulator, keep it short (< 30 characters).
The .CHX must have the same name as your ROM. This is an example of a .CHX file:
Filename: **Contra - Hard Corps (USA).chx**
N,NNCT-AAH4,Start with 99 lives
N,H9GA-AAE6,Start with all weapons
N,AM4A-AA8C,You don't lose a weapon when you die
NOTE: Some games may not boot when cheat codes are enabled at the start. Disable the cheat codes when booting the games, and enable them only after the game has started.
download https://github.com/bubble2k16/picodrive_3ds/
via http://www.nintendomax.com/viewtopic.php?f=132&t=16509
For more information and downloads, click here!
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