Posted By: wraggster
YourNerdyJoe offers " Particle Demo "superb technical demo featuring a particle system for the Nintendo 3DS.
Particle Demo is a particle demo for the 3DS (creative, I know). There two versions, a multi-threaded version of a single-threaded and release. The multi-threaded version of Utilizes two threads Where It updates the app in one hand and thread the particles in the --other. This allows the main thread to run at about 60 fps Even When particle thread Begins to lag. Does this mean while the two threads are Constantly out of sync, it causes the multi-threaded version of a nickname to-have alpha blending effect Where Some particles APPEAR to Be a darker color than others. This is due to the particle thread Continuing to draw particles started the after the frame buffer To Be copied from the GSP to heap VRAM. Since the top left frame buffer is Copied to first, more particles are rendered to the GSP heap by the time it is Copied to the top right frame buffer. When 3D is diabled, the 3DS renders the left and right frame buffers on Alternating frames. This, in addition to Some particles are just not rendering some frames Because The thread is not updating fast enough, tricks your eyes Into thinking some particles are darker When They really are flashing on and off the screen multiple times per second. singleton The threaded version of just 4096 updates all particles in the main thread application. Otherwise it works the Saami have the multi-threaded version of goal with inferior performance. It lakhs the pseudo-alpha blending effect and the text on the upper screen starts spazzing out When The frame rate drops to low (Caused by Increasing the particle size to much). Only use the single-threaded version of performance for comparison. If you want to play around with it use the multi-threaded versions. Both are from my sccm steady aim testing the multi-threaded demo is just better.