Sypherce posted this news/release for the Neoflash Coding Contest:
Hello, here is my entry for compo. It's called DDRLite, which stands for Dance Dance Revolution for the Nintendo DS Lite.
DDRLite comes with 3 songs (which are copyright by there respect authors/owners) and the ability to convert your own DDR songs, only .sm (Stepmania) format is supported in this version.
To use the menus you use up/down to go up/down, and start to select. On the first menu you'll need to choose the touch mode, my preference is Linear. On the second menu you'll choose your difficulty. Not all songs support all difficulies, and if they don't it will show no arrows. The third and fourth menus are navigating to the desired song.
When in game use the a/b/x/y/up/down/left/right buttons to hit the corresponding arrow when it reaches the gray arrow at the top. If your using the linear touch mode, the bottom screen will be used and you will hit the gray arrows as the green ones reach them. If you using the Dance Mat mode you'll do the same, except hit the arrows that are in a diamond shape.
To convert your own songs open a command line window and run the "DDRLite Converter.exe" application followed by the "input" dir and then the "output" dir (remeber quotes). Please remeber when putting in your own songs to put them in __Letter__:\DDRLite\Songs\__GROUP__\__SONG__\ .
__Letter__ being the letter of your flash media, __GROUP__ being a folder containing a number of song folders, and __SONG__ being the actual song folder.