Posted By: wraggster

Webez has posted an entry in the Neoflash Coding Comp, heres the details:
Because funnier games are also the most simple! SFCave DS has two versions inside. Classic gives you the exact as feeling of the famous internet game. Remix uses DS power to bring a better scroll and graphics and some playability changes. It also has a 2 player mode in both modes and normal and fast mode can also be selected for remix. Records are also saved.
Touch classic or remix to enter that mode.
On remix menu press L to change between Normal and Fast.
Just touch the screen or the A/B/X/Y button to move the "worm" up and release to let it fall. Second player uses the pad
Two versions are inclded. One with fat that loads music.mod (put it in root and change it for another mod if you want) and records.rcd (created if it doesnt't exist in root). And a second one that doesn't use fat and doesn't have sound or record saving. Enjoy it as much I do and carry it always with your DS!
Update: Now mode change (normal or fast) in remix is not reset to normal each game
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