8Ball Author Description
Chip 8 emulator for the Gameboy Advance and also the Gamecube
via the Gameboy Player and now the Nintendo DS (via the GBA Cartridge slot). Screenshots
Information 8Ball is a chip8/superchip
interpreter for the GBA. It's still in an early stage and not yet really usable.
In case you want to give it a try, here's version 0.0.666. At the moment there's
no way to add chip8 programs without recompiling 8Ball, so you can only play Ant,
which is compiled into this version. Use left/right to move the ant and A to jump.
R saves the interpreter state to SRAM, L loads it again. Start resets the interpreter. Be
careful with the saving/loading function: If you try to load a game and no valid
savegame is in the SRAM, all sorts of funny things might happen =)