Nintendo DS Emulation NEWS
Emulators for Nintendo
Name RetroBox DS
Author BlueHawk89
Description Multi Console emulator to the DS

21st August 2005 Here
This is a DS version or port if you want to call it that of retrobox (which
is a(n) emulater(s)). To learn more about it go to the author's site.
The defualt rom i am using is by matrixz. His site is here.
You can read everything else in the instruction.txt, if you dont know what
R does or how to use your own rom you didnt read enough.
I am happy to support anyone with answers to their questions after they
read the instructions, Good luck getting RetroBoxDS and your game to work
No screen shots are provided since i dont have a cam and all emulaters
can not draw it properly (although dulis gets close, someone please tell
the author to implement divide).
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