Nintendo DS Emulation
Name Antarex DS
Author pocket_lucho
Description Antarex is a classic space shot'em'up with some differences.
Your ship can be in two colors ( like ikaruga ), red and blue. You can only
destroy enemies of different color than you ( ex: if you are blue, yo ONLY
destroy red enemies ) and you can only be destroyed by enemies bullets of
the opposite color. Collisions with enemies ALWAYS destroys you .
You can choose between four control modes in the start menu:
First, classic mode, move your ship with the D-pad, fire with B and change
color with A, L and R buttons.
Left Handed mode, move your ship with B, A, X, Y buttons, fire with Down
and change color with Right, L and R buttons. For left-handed people
Third, Stylus mode, move the ship with the stylus, fire with B and Down,
change color with Right, A, L and R buttons ( left-handed / right-handed
You can change modes with select in pause mode.
Last mode, 2 players in one console, 1P moves with D-pad and fires with
L ( automatic fire ), 2P moves with B, A, X, Y and fires with R ( automatic
fire ). In 2 players mode, one player is red and other is blue, no color
Finally I want to thank doublec for his tutorials , all drunken coders
staff for the ndslib, mollusk fot the PA_lib, Damian Yerrick for the GBFS,
DekuTree64 for the modlib... and a lot more of people that I forgot

Download NDS Here
21st august 2005
NDS.gba Here 21st
August 2005
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