Nintendo DS Emulation
Homebrew for Nintendo
Name DSSpeech Speech Synthesizer
Author headspin
Description ================================
DSSpeech Speech Synthesizer v1.0
(C) Copyright 1986 A.D.Beveridge & M.N.Day. All Rights Reserved
Windows Adaption by Stefan Stenzel
DS Port by Headspin (
I would like to personally thank Stefan Stenzel for his most gratious generosity
and kindness with providing the source, as well as taking much time to reply
to my nurmerous and annoying e-mail's and nagging. He is a great guy!
-= ABOUT =-
Based on Atari ST Speech Synthesizer "STSpeech" by A.D.Beveridge
& M.N.Day, ported from 68k assembly by Stefan Stenzel and using Starscream
680x0 emulation library by Neill Corlett the first Win32 version of STSpeech
was an authentic rendition of the Atarti ST Speech Synthesizer.
Stefan Stenzel removed the emulation library dependancy and re-wrote the
entire synth engine to be stand-alone. The difference between the original
port of STSpeech and Stefan's reworking and changes brought STSpeech Win32
from a harsh sound to a much smoother and professional sounding voice synth.
The Synth in it's current form is far removed from the original. Much credit
should be given to Stefan Stenzel for his major modifications. He is a professional
in audio synthesizers, so it's understandable the journey of change STSpeech
has undergone.
My original attempt at porting a Speech Synth for the DS began with a Linux
port that uses phoneme contatination. The Phoneme set was a hack of an old
set of samples by Sun ( The samples
were of poor quality and badly captured - I believe this is the cause for
the crappy results I got using the concat method. I edited the samples in
Adobe Audition. Chopping up each Phoneme to it's essence then running them
through a compressor, normalization, then fade-in/out envelope. The results
improved, but the Phonemes needed to be overlapped rather than triggered
immediately after each other. I modified the sample player to trigger the
Phonemes at 50% after the previous one. Again, slight improvement.
Decided that I had taken the phoneme concatination method to it's absolution,
I was dissapointed and started tracking down the author of STSpeech. This
is where I met the amazing Stefan Stenzel who I can't thank enough.
We began correspondence, Stefan wasn't about to "give away his precious
code", I had to explain my intentions, that this was a "non-commercial"
project, and "What is a Nintendo DS?"!
At first I thought Stefan didn't want anything to do with me, but I soon
learned he was more than happy to help out and provide code. He gave time
way above the call of duty, and being a director of a company, it's amazing
he gave me the time of day at all!
Important parts of the source were missing from the original archive sent
by Stefan. My impatience brought me to begin hacking apart STSpeech.exe
and ripping important phoneme data structures, I finally recieved the last
parts of code I needed. After eventually recieving the "last piece
of the puzzle" I got STSpeech compiling in Visual Studio 6. Then I
began the port to the DS...
Porting was straight forward. Since the audio system on Win32 is practically
the same (16-bit signed wav), I performed some buffer modifications, added
DS audio code etc. and the operation was a success.
Problems: The synth construction is rather slow. This is because of the
intense floating point operations - no optimizations at all!
-= FUTURE =-
The following improvements need to be performed:
* Optimization, eg. Floating point -> fixed point
* Shifting buffer, that begins playing rather than generating the entire
audio wave first
-= THANKS =-
Stenfan Stenzel you da man!
Status and availability of the source code has not been discussed and agreed
upon yet.

Here v1.5 11th September 2005
The Hottest DCEmu Posters